onsdag 13 oktober 2021

Wicked Fox

Serie/Series: Ja, del 1/Yes, part 1.
Författare/Author: Kat Cho.
Genre: Urban fantasy, övernaturligt/paranormal, romantik/romance
Språk/Language: Engelska/English.
Sidor/Pages: 420.

(English below)

Handling: 18-åriga Gu Miyoung bär på en hemlighet, hon är en "gumiho" - en niosvansad räv som måste konsumera människor livsenergi varje fullmåne eller dö. Av rädsla för att bli mer ett monster än en människa konsumerar hon bara livsenergi när hon måste och då endast från män skyldiga till hemska brott.
När Miyoung hittar Jihoon, en stilig kille i hennes ålder, blir han attackerad av ett troll i skogen och hon räddar honom. Hon bryter sin mammas regler angående överlevnad. Men mitt i fighten förlorar hon sin rävpärla - sin gumihosjäl - vilket sätter igång en hel kedja av händelser och drar in både Jihoon och Miyoung i en fejd som spänner över generationer. Miyoung tvingas välja mellan sitt odödliga liv och Jihoons.

Min åsikt om boken: Boken är inspirerad av K-drama och koreansk folktro, två saker jag inte har så bra koll på, så jag kan inte säga så mycket om just det. Däremot tyckte jag att den var både intressant och kul att läsa! Den kändes lite annorlunda på nåt sätt, även om den bitvis innehåller typiska delar av tonårsdrama, men det hör väl till genren antar jag.
Både Miyoung och Jihoon har mycket gemensamt, utan att själva veta om det i början. Båda vet hur det känns att bli övergivna och försöka dölja vilka de är. Båda försöker göra så gott det kan och visar upp en fasad mot omgivningen som inte riktigt stämmer. Trots att de är så olika är de ändå ganska lika varandra! Jag tyckte det ändå var ganska snyggt gjort på ett underliggande sätt.
En bit före slutet blev handlingen lite seg och det kändes som att man försökte dra ut på det så långt det gick, vilket tyvärr drog ner lite på både tempot och spänningen. Men överlag tyckte jag boken var både kul, spännande och lättläst. Det gick snabbt att läsa den och stundtals var det svårt att lägga den ifrån sig.

I betyg får den 3.5 av 5💀

Mitt favoritcitat från boken:

"The full moon increased her senses, opened her up to energy, allowed her to absorb it without ripping a man apart. So if she didn't feed tonight, she'd have to wait another month or... she'd have to become a monster. She almost let out a laugh because she knew that even though the prey she chose were vile men, it didn't mean she wasn't a killer".
- Sid 3

"Mere meters away a battle played out that Johoon though he'd only see in his video games. A dokkaebi versus a gumiho. A goblin versus a fox. The two were so evenly matched that any ground gained by one side was soon lost again.
Jihoon  started to flee, then stopped. He couldn't force himself to take another step. What kind of person would he be if he abandoned the girl after she'd saved him? Not the bou his halmeoni had raised".

- Sid 23.

💥        💥        💥        💥

Story: 18 year old Gu Miyoung has a secret - she's a gumiho, a nine-tailed fox who must consume the life force of men every full moon or die. Ever fearful of becoming more of a monster, Miyoung kills only when she has to, and even then, only those guilty of horrific crimes.
When Miyoung finds Jihoon, a handsome human boy her age, being attacked by a goblin in the woods, she saves him, violating her mother's rules of survival and her own good judgement. But in the midst of the fight, Miyoung loses her fox bead - her gumiho sould - setting off a chain of events that ensnares both her and Ihoon in a deadly generations-old feud, which forces Miyoung to choose between her immortal life and Jihoon's.

My opinion about the book: The book is inspired by K-dramas and korean folklore, two things I don't know much about so I can't say much about that. But I do think the book was both interesting and fun to read! It fel a bit different in a way, even though there are bits of typical teenage dramas in it, but I guess it's falls within the genre.
Both Miyoung and Jihoon have a lot in common, without them knowing it in the beginning. Both know what it's like to be abandoned and hide who they are. Both try to do as well as they can and have a facade of being alright when really they're not. Despite being so different they're quite similar. I thought that was well done in a underlying way.
Shortly before the end the plot gets a bit slow and it felt like they were trying to drag it out as fas as possible, which slowed down the tempo and suspense, unfortunately. But over all I think the book was fun, exciting and easily read. It was a fast read and at times it was hard to put it down.

I give it 3.5 of 5💀

My favorite quote from the book:

"The full moon increased her senses, opened her up to energy, allowed her to absorb it without ripping a man apart. So if she didn't feed tonight, she'd have to wait another month or... she'd have to become a monster. She almost let out a laugh because she knew that even though the prey she chose were vile men, it didn't mean she wasn't a killer".
- Page 3

"Mere meters away a battle played out that Johoon though he'd only see in his video games. A dokkaebi versus a gumiho. A goblin versus a fox. The two were so evenly matched that any ground gained by one side was soon lost again.
Jihoon  started to flee, then stopped. He couldn't force himself to take another step. What kind of person would he be if he abandoned the girl after she'd saved him? Not the bou his halmeoni had raised".
- Page 23.

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The Maleficent Seven

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