fredag 19 november 2021


Serie/Series: Nej/No.
Författare/Author: Brian Catling.
Genre: Fantasy.
Språk/Language: Engelska/English.
Sidor/Pages: 254.

(English below)

Handling: Efter att kyrkans heliga Orakel plötsligt dött sprids galenskap i världen. Onda krafter lamslår landsbygden och gränsen mellan liv och död suddas ut. Samtidigt sker mystiska saker: en ung munk får visioner och förlorar sin röst, en underjordisk revolution börjar i en liten by och Barry Follett, en legosoldat, leder sitt gäng av marodörer över svår terräng full av jättar och farliga sirener för att leverera det enda som kan skapa ordning i världen.

Min åsikt om boken: Jag visste redan när jag köpte boken att den skulle vara udda men jag visste inte om det var på ett bra eller dåligt sätt. På grund av det högtravande språket har det tagit lite tid för mig att läsa ut den men rent spontant så kan jag ju säga att baksidetexten inte stämmer väl överens med handlingen. Det var inte mycket galenskap, jättar eller sirener med i boken. Gränsen mellan liv och död märktes knappt och den där "revolutionen" var knappt värdig namnet. Jag gillade atmosfären i boken på grund av att det var skitigt, mörkt och för att man fick möta konstiga varelser men jag förstår inte poängen med boken. Vad var syftet med den? Ingen aning! Jag förstod inte heller poängen med karaktären Meg. Varför var hon ens med? Hon tillförde knappt nånting. Jag fattade inte heller munkarnas syfte (utöver det här med oraklet) eller "the Gland" som låg bakom klostret. Marodörerna pratade på ett speciellt sätt som ingen annan gjorde, vilket också kändes... omotiverat. Slutet och crescendot var i princip obefintligt. Boken var inte jättedålig men den var definitivt inte bra heller, så ganska medelmåttig. Det känns som att boken är full av tomma ord utan betydelse. Den förmedlar liksom ingenting. En jätteknepig bok med andra ord.

I betyg får den 2 av 5💀

My favorite quote from the book:

"As the old monk spoke, the view unzipped into growing focus and accumulating detail, revealing a great battle, where thousands of bodies clashed in ferocious turmoil. Grim reaper armies struggled against citizens of the undead, or those who did not know which they were. The volume increased as the scene became clearer. Dominic watched the grinning skeletons hack apart men, women and children. They fell, rolled over, and were frozen stiff for a moment, before struggling to their knees, dragging their separated parts together, and rising to fight again."
- Sid 13-14.

💥        💥       💥       💥

Story: After the sudden death of the High Church's sacred Oracle, the world spirals deeper into bedlam. Evil forces envelop the countryside, the line between life and the afterlife begins to blur, and a series of strange mysteries unfolds: a young monk has ecstatic visions and loses his ability to speak; an underground revolution is sparked in a small village, with a woman called Dull Gret at the helm; and Barry Follett, a mercenary, leads his gang of marauders across treacherous terrain filled with giants and dangerous sirens to deliver the one thing that can restore order to the divine landscape.

My opinion about the book: I knew when I bought the book that it was going to be good, I just didn't know if it was going to be weird in a good or a bad way. Because of the stilted way it's written on it took me a while to read and I can say that the text on the back (the summary) is not accurate with the plot. There weren't that much crazy stuff, giants and sirens. The line between life and death was barely noticeable and that "revolution" was not worthy the be called that. I liked the atmosphere in the book because it's gritty, filthy and you got to meet weird creatures but I just don't get the point with the book. What was the purpose with it? I have no idea! I don't understand the point with the character Meg. Why was she even there? She hardly did anything. I don't get the monks' purpose either (besdes the stuff with the oracle) or "the Gland" behind the monastery. The marauders' spoke in a very particular way that no one else did, which really felt... unmotivated. The ending and the crescendo was pretty much non-existent. The book was not really bad but was definitely not great either, just average. It feels like the book is full of empty words without meaning. It just doesn't convey anything. A really weird book in other words.

I give it 2 of 5💀

My favorite quote from the book:

"As the old monk spoke, the view unzipped into growing focus and accumulating detail, revealing a great battle, where thousands of bodies clashed in ferocious turmoil. Grim reaper armies struggled against citizens of the undead, or those who did not know which they were. The volume increased as the scene became clearer. Dominic watched the grinning skeletons hack apart men, women and children. They fell, rolled over, and were frozen stiff for a moment, before struggling to their knees, dragging their separated parts together, and rising to fight again."
- Page 13-14.

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