Författare/Author: Vivian Shaw.
Genre: Fantasy.
Språk/Language: Engelska/English.
Sidor/Pages: 395.
(English below)
Handling: Greta Helsing är en helt vanlig människa, förutom att hon också är en s.k. "monsterdoktor". Hon hjälper diverse typer av varelser med olika problem dem har. Det kan vara allt från mumier som drabbats av svamp till vampyrer som druckit dåligt blod.
Den här gången får Greta ett erbjudande om att bli överläkare på Oasis Natrun, ett spa för mumier med de senaste medicinska och magiska maskinerna, under en tid, vilket hon inte kan tacka nej till. Men hon hinner knappt dit innan mystiska saker börja hända. Mumierna verkar drabbas av yrselattacker och varje attack verkar göra mumierna allt svagare.
Samtidigt verkar något större vara i görningen. Någon försöker medvetet göra revan i rumtiden större, men varför? Och hur kan Greta, tillsammans med sina vänner, lösa problemet?
Min åsikt om boken: Jag gillar den här bokserien, för vad mer kan man önska sig? Greta är en duktig doktor som genuint bryr sig om sina monsterpatienter, hon känner folk i Helvetet och råkar alltid ut för konstiga saker, vilket leder till äventyr. Sen att hon också har kärat ner sig i en vampyr gör ju inte saken värre, haha. Boken är stundtals romantisk men utan att vara sliskig, spännande, intressant och den håller ett bra flyt hela tiden. Jag upplevde den aldrig som tråkig eller seg. När även en gammal gud blandas in, tyckte jag att det hela blev ännu roligare. Ett smart inslag! En mycket bra och rolig bokserie.
Mitt favoritcitat ur boken:
"Greta looked up at Grisaille with a shrug. "Get packed for Hell," she said. "You get a front-row seat to this whole mess, apparently".
"My nipples explode with delight," he said solemnly, and despite how old and worn and exhausted Greta felt, she discovered she was still able to laugh".
- sid 262.
"My nipples explode with delight," he said solemnly, and despite how old and worn and exhausted Greta felt, she discovered she was still able to laugh".
- sid 262.
💥 💥 💥 💥
Story: Greta Helsing is an ordinary human, except for being a "monster doctor". She helps different creatures with problems they might have, like mummies with fungus infections or vampires getting sick from drinking bad blood.
This time Greta is invited to become clinical director at Oasis Natrun, a spa for mummies with the latest medical and magical machines, for sometime, which she can't say no to. But she hardly has the time to land before mysterical things happens. The mummies seems to be affected by attacks of lightheadedness and each attack seems to make the mummies weaker.
This time Greta is invited to become clinical director at Oasis Natrun, a spa for mummies with the latest medical and magical machines, for sometime, which she can't say no to. But she hardly has the time to land before mysterical things happens. The mummies seems to be affected by attacks of lightheadedness and each attack seems to make the mummies weaker.
At the same time it seems like something bigger is going on. Someone is deliberately trying to make the rip in time and space bigger, but why? And how can Greta, together with her friends, solve the problem?
My opinion of the book: I like this bookseries, because what more could you wish for? Greta is a great doctor who genuinly cares about her monster patients, she knows people in Hell and always end up getting involved in weird stuff what leads to adventures. That she's also in love with a vampire just makes it even better. The book is at times romantic, but without being cheesy, suspensful, interesting and it has a good flow. I never thought it was boring or slow. And when an old god was involved, everything just got even better. A fun elemt! A very good and funny bokseries for sure.
My favorite quote from the book:
"Greta looked up at
Grisaille with a shrug. "Get packed for Hell," she said. "You get a
front-row seat to this whole mess, apparently".
"My nipples explode with delight," he said solemnly, and despite how old and worn and exhausted Greta felt, she discovered she was still able to laugh".
- Page 262.
"My nipples explode with delight," he said solemnly, and despite how old and worn and exhausted Greta felt, she discovered she was still able to laugh".
- Page 262.
Åh den här serien har jag inte hört talas om förut. Bara namnet Greta Helsing gör mig nyfiken. :) Jag gillade verkligen citatet, känner på mig att jag skulle tycka om de här böckerna! :D
SvaraRaderaDå har du ett bra tips där! Väldigt bra böcker faktiskt. Lite småkonstiga men ändå "seriösa" på nåt sätt, haha.