måndag 6 september 2021

The Desolations of Devil's Acre

Serie/Series: Ja, del 6/Yes, part 6.
Författare/Author: Ransom Riggs.
Genre: Fantasy.
Språk/Language: Engelska/English.
Sidor/Pages: 503.

 (English below)

Obs! Potentiella spoilers nedan!

Handling: Jacob och Noor vaknar upp i huset som tillhört Jacobs farfar. De minns inte hur de tog sig ut ur V's loop men det verkar som att ärkefienden Caul har återuppstått. Jacob och Noor måste ta sig tillbaka till Miss Peregrine och deras vänners loop, innan det är för sent.
Tillsammans måste de komma på hur de ska stoppa Caul en gång för alla, innan han förgör hela världen.

Min åsikt om boken: Det verkar som att den här serien egentligen är uppdelad i två trilogier? Men ändå hör de ihop på nåt sätt. Det står t.ex. "den 6:e boken om Miss Peregrines besynnerliga barn" på boken men enligt vissa sidor på nätet är de inte en serie, utan två trilogier. Vilket låter väldigt dumt i mina öron. Hur som, jag tyckte i alla fall att de 3 första böckerna var väldigt bra och underhållande. Men bok 4 och 5 (eller bok 1 och 2 i den andra trilogin tydligen) var väldigt svaga, även om jag ska erkänna att jag inte minns så mycket av dem. De var inte alls lika bra som de tidigare men jag måste säga att jag är ganska nöjd med utfallet av den 6:e boken. Den kändes inte lika stökig och rörig som de 2 föregående och den hade i princip samma tempo hela tiden. Spänningen var precis sådär lagom och jag tyckte aldrig att det blev segt eller tjatigt. Jag gillar också hur vissa varelser beskrivs, man är inte rädd för att göra det lite äckligt eller blodigt, trots att böckerna kanske riktar sig mot lite yngre personer (gissar jag på).
Det enda som jag tyckte var ganska osannolikt var att alla böckerna skulle ha utspelat sig på 1 år. Det kändes inte alls troligt på nåt sätt, men annars var boken bra. Det var lite svårt att se hur slutet skulle utspela sig, vilket alltid är uppskattat. Det är så tråkigt när man kan ana hur det ska gå och får rätt.

I betyg får boken 3 av 5💀

Mitt favoritcitat från boken:

"But the worrying truth was that most peculiars' abilities were not well-suited for combat. We weren't soldiers. We weren't superheroes. In the face of an organized assault, the best most of us could do was to hunker down and hope for the best. Maybe ten percent of us could muster any kind of aggressive defense. It's why we needed the home guard, relatively useless as they were. And why we'd depended for so long on the protection of the ymbrynes and their loops."
- Sid 140

💥        💥        💥        💥

Warning! There might be spoilers below!




Story: Jacob and Noor wakes up in the house that once belonged to Jacob's grandfather. They don't remember how they escaped V's loop but it seems like the arch nemesis Caul has been resurected. Jacob and Noor must get back to Miss Peregrine and their friends' loop before it's too late.
Together they must find a way to stop Caul once and for all, before he destroyes the whole world.

My opinion about the book: It seems like this series is divided into two triologies? But they still belong together. It says "the sixth novel of Miss Peregrine's Peculiar children" on the book but according to some sites online it's not a series, but two triologies. Which sounds stupid to me. Anyway, I thought the 3 first books were really great and entertaining. But book 4 and 5 (or book 1 and 2 in the second triology apparently) were pretty weak. But I must admit that I don't remember much about them. They weren't as good as they previous books but I must say that I really liked the outcome of the 6th book. It wasn't as messy and confusing as the previous 2 and it had the same pace pretty much the whole way. The suspense was just right and I never thought it got slow or boring. I also liked how some of the creatures were described, that the author wasn't afraid of making it a little disgusting or bloody, even though the books are aimed at younger people (I guess).
The only thing I felt was unlikely was that everything in all the books happened in a span of a year. It didn't seem possible in any way, but other than that it was good. I had a hard time seeing how the end would play out, which is always appreciated. It's really boring to be able to guess or see the end on beforehand and be right.

I give the book 3 of 5💀

My favorite quote from the book:

"But the worrying truth was that most peculiars' abilities were not well-suited for combat. We weren't soldiers. We weren't superheroes. In the face of an organized assault, the best most of us could do was to hunker down and hope for the best. Maybe ten percent of us could muster any kind of aggressive defense. It's why we needed the home guard, relatively useless as they were. And why we'd depended for so long on the protection of the ymbrynes and their loops."
- Page 140

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