måndag 12 juli 2021

Hollowpox - The Hunt for Morrigan Crow

Serie/Series: Ja, del 3/Yes, part 3.
Författare/Author: Jessica Townsend.
Genre: Fantasy, 9-12 år/9-12 years.
Språk/Language: Engelska/English.
Sidor/Pages: 471.

(English below)

Handling: Morrigan Crow och hennes vänner är nu på sitt andra år inom Wundrous Society och det är först nu de får veta mer om vad deras jobb i framtiden kommer att bestå av. Morrigan försöker få reda på när och hur hon ska få träna sig sina Wundersmith-krafter, men det verkar som att alla lärare undviker henne. Plötsligt sprider sig en konstig smitta bland Wundjuren i Nevermoor och gör dem till odjur. De verkar blir helt tomma i blicken och vill skada människor. Ingen verkar veta hur smittan sprids eller varför det bara är Wundjur som smittas, men Morrigan har bestämt sig för att komma på en lösning.

Min åsikt om boken: Jag älskar de här böckerna och den här boken var precis lika bra som de föregående 2! Den här gången är boken dock relativt lång jämfört med de tidigare, men det gjorde ingenting. Då får det ju plats mer mer info. Det är ganska många spår samtidigt, speciellt när Morrigan och hennes vänner får veta mer om Wundrous Society (vad de sysslar med egentligen), smittan bland Wundjuren och Morrigans krafter. Men allt är liksom kopplat till varandra så i slutet knyts allt ihop på ett bra sätt. Jag misstänkte att detta knappast kunde vara slutet och efter lite googling verkar det som att det kommer 3 böcker till! Sammanlagt ska det bli 6 böcker i den här serien. Ser fram emot det! Jag såg också att man har sålt filmrättigheterna till första boken till Fox, vilket jag inte hade en aning om men lät ju kul. Hoppas bara de följer boken ordentligt, så det inte blir ännu en kass film av en riktigt bra bok.
Hur som, boken var riktigt bra. Den flöt på hela tiden och höll ett jämnt tempo. All drama, spänning och liknande var precis sådär lagom. Jag har inte så mycket mer att säga egentligen, det var en härlig upplevelse helt enkelt!

I betyg får boken 4 av 5💀

Mitt favoritcitat från boken:

"Very nice", Morrigan said to her bedroom in a voice still croaky from sleep. She'd recently decided to be more complimentary when it did something she really liked. A few weeks earlier she'd made a vague noise of distate at a very modern, abstract painting that had shown up on her wall, and she swore it must have hurt the room's feeling or something, because the next three nights her bed had turned into a dog kennel, then a hamster cage, then a large terracotta pot full of cactus plants. She'd been extra cautious ever since.
- Sid 71-72.

💥        💥        💥        💥

Story: Morrigan Crow and her friends are now on their second year at the Wundrous Society and it's not until now that they find out more about what their job might be in the future. Morrigan is trying to find out when and how she'll be taught to use her Wundersmith powers but it seems like the teachers are avoiding her. All of a sudden a mysterious contagion is spreading to the Wunimals in Nevermoor and makes them into unnimals. They seem empty and want to hurt people. No one seem to know how the disease is spread or why only Wunimals are infected, but Morrigan is determined to find a solution.

My opinion about the book: I love these books and this one was just as good as the previous 2! This time the book is pretty thick compared to the other ones, but it didn't make any difference. Just more room for information. There are a couple of side tracks going at the same time, especially when Morrigan and her friends find out more about the Wundrous Society (what they really do), the plague among the Wunimals and Morrigan's powers. But it's all connected to each other so in the end it all comes together in a good way. I suspected that this couldn't be the end and after googling I found out that there are 3 more books coming! So a total of 6 books in this series. I look forward to it! I also saw that they've given the movie rights for the first movie to Fox, which I had no idea about but sounds like fun! I just hope they stick to the book so it wont be yet another bad movie of a really good book.
Anyway, the book was great. It held a good pace and flow all the way through. All the drama, suspense and so on was on a good lever. I don't have a lot to say really, it was a really nice experience!

I give it 4 of 5💀

My favorite quote from the book:

"Very nice", Morrigan said to her bedroom in a voice still croaky from sleep. She'd recently decided to be more complimentary when it did something she really liked. A few weeks earlier she'd made a vague noise of distate at a very modern, abstract painting that had shown up on her wall, and she swore it must have hurt the room's feeling or something, because the next three nights her bed had turned into a dog kennel, then a hamster cage, then a large terracotta pot full of cactus plants. She'd been extra cautious ever since.
- Sid 71-72.

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